Donnerstag, 14. Januar 2010

The Hammer Song

Come hear the song that the hammer sings on the armour of our enemies.
A gift from the gods to the Norsemans King, what a glorious song the hammer sings.

Odin our lord, Odin all father
Who sits in hall Vallaskijalf
The God who see all things and looks down on glorious battle
Aid us now

Come hear the song that the hammer sings on the armour of our enemies.
A gift from the gods to the Norsemans King, what a glorious song the hammer sings.

Tyr, the lord of swords and courage
Tamer of the Fenris wolf
Great upholder of the law
Come raise your sword in glorious battle
Aid us now

Come hear the song that the hammer sings on the armour of our enemies.
A gift from the gods to the Norsemans King, what a glorious song the hammer sings.

Loki god of strife and mischief
Vengeful trickster, jealous one
We ask you humbly now
To bring ill fate to all our foemen
Aid us now

Come hear the song that the hammer sings on the armour of our enemies.
A gift from the gods to the Norsemans King, what a glorious song the hammer sings.

Lunas queen of guarding darkness
Who brings the werewolf in the night
We cry to you for vengeance now
And death to all our enemies
Aid us now

Come hear the song that the hammer sings on the armour of our enemies.
A gift from the gods to the Norsemans King, what a glorious song the hammer sings.

Thor the lord of hail and thunder
The giver of the gift we laud
Don the belt of Marganjadar
Come chase a storm across the sky
Rain here now

Come hear the song that the hammer sings on the armour of our enemies.
A gift from the you to the Norsemans King, what a glorious song the hammer sings.


Eine von mir geliebte Hymne aus leider vergangenen Zeiten.

Greets to the Wolfs, we stand and fight together !!

Der Blick unter die Steine


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lumenis matris


Quaerite, et invenietis


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